Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Soccer Riot in Egypt- February

Sporting events can be fun and exciting for those who have good sportsmanship, but for those who are poor sports, it is another story all together.
This post is a bit outside our world of sports; however, it was an event that should not go unnoticed. It is a perfect example of poor sportsmanship. A tragic event happened in Egypt as 73 people were killed and 100 were injured in February at a soccer game. The home team fans rushed the field in a riot, a fire broke out in the stadium as well. This event was the most violence ever seen on Egypt’s soccer fields. The two teams have been rivals for quite some time, but never seen anything that bad. Ambulance staff was not able to get into the field, which was a tragedy in itself. Victims were flown out in military helicopters to hospitals in hopes of saving some injured victims. After the initial tragedy, rioters took to the streets accusing the security that were present at the event, for not doing their part in stopping the riot. 

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