Thursday, April 26, 2012

DRAMA (April 18)

There is always drama going on in the world of sports and this time its juicy. The NFL Players Association filed a lawsuit against the NFL Coaches Association asking for upwards of $650,000. The NFLCA was stunned as just a year ago they were showing support for the player’s during the NFL lockout. It was stated that this was a move that would create much turmoil and destruction between the players and the coaches. NFLCA executive director David Cornwell stated that the NFLPA was challenging his authority and he was not happy at all. DeMaurice Smith, the executive director who also has power over the coaches’ association, and Cornwell have had a rocky relationship for years. Back in January Cornwell wrote a paper critiquing Smith’s handling of the collective bargaining agreement negotiations, which sparked a whole lot of drama between the two. 

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