Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Ray Sr. & Ray Jr. (March 12)

Ray McCallum Sr. and Ray McCallum Jr. are a dynamic father son duo; Ray Sr. is the coach of the University of Detroit and Ray Jr. is his star point guard. The two tuned in to watch the NCAA tournament selection show and sure enough one of the teams was their very own Titans. The father and son tuned into the show every year together, but this year’s was that much more special to them. It wasn’t as simple as some may have thought to get Ray Jr. onto the team; it took a recruitment trip, and much hard work on Ray Junior’s part, but hearing their team called made it all worth it. Ray Sr. had stated that he wanted the best for his son, but he obviously wanted the best player for his team and he decided that the two could coexist. Ray Sr. and Ray Jr. are one heck of a father son duo and will go very far together.

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